Navigator IP v10.0+ Software
Reports Page
The Reports page is a powerful flexible reporting feature allowing you to select, filter, view and export user and system activity. Navigator IP can store 50,000 events which you can either export to your favourite spreadsheet package (simple one-press 'Export Report' button) or the in-built Report Generator as shown below.

The Events page initially loads un-populated.
Choose a number of events to load. (Max 50,000 events)
Use Filter By to find the Event Type you are looking for, e.g. for a specific person, pick 'User Name'.
Use Filter Parameters to enter a name or part of a name e.g. 'higgins'.
Click Apply Filter.
Filtered results can now be viewed or filtered further if required.
Choose Export Report to download.
Save to a CSV format which can be opened in your spreadsheet application.
Includes on-site Muster lists to quickly view who is in the building - ideal for Roll Call.