Featured Products
Door Handle with Magnetic Lock, Stainless Steel

Door Handle with Magnetic Lock, Stainless Steel

12/24V DC Door Handle Magnetic Lock with Integral Exit Button


Automatic Double Door Opener kit EN16005-KIT-UD-SR DWSR102U

Automatic Double Door Opener kit EN16005-KIT-UD-SR DWSR102U

EN16005 compliant Automatic Door kit for double doors with FOUR Safety Sensors


Roller Finger Guard Finger Defender RP SAA

Roller Finger Guard Finger Defender RP SAA

Protects, guards and shields Fingers & Hands!


Why buy Navigator IP?

7 February 2023  |  Admin

The pitfalls of choosing cheaper and buy-cheap buy-twice.

"We need Access Control, I'm on your website and looking at the kit for £99!" 

Its a call we get everyday and we love them, firstly we are really pleased you manged to find our website but secondly it gives us the chance to tell you the some of the  of cost access control equipment